Clueless from the $100

Started reading the “The $100 Startup” last week but just 20% into the book and I already started to feel like a clueless being. I am not saying the book is to put someone down, more like the other way. It is trying to make people feel empowered to start their own business without much $$$ capital involved but just with the knowledge / know how that we have. Of course it also centers around one’s passion & capability. It tries to give the reader some kind of structure so that one can ‘find’ their niche for the $100 startup.
By now –  I should be 80% done with the book but sadly no.. I get stuck a bit cos like all non-fiction books, I involuntarily begins to think of what I can apply based on what I have read so far. And sadly it is zero. I mean I think I can see what I am good at but how to package it into something viable that people are willing to pay for (other than being an employee). The book also make me ponder about my initial decision to get back to the rat race corporate world that seems much simpler, in fact it makes me think I must have been clueless / lost that I have decided that I should get back to the rat race to feel ‘live life with a purpose’. Maybe vs going back to the rat race – I should devoting my energy to something else that will use less of my time in the future.

So why penning down such a downer on my blog? Well.. I hope to maybe record these ‘down times’ and hopefully in the future, I will be able to look back (hopefully in a better/successful position) & take it as a path of learning that I had to go through.

So yes.. am definitely in a “clueless” mode right now.