of judges & animals

With so many recent news on statutory rapist getting scot- free & adults raping 7 year old kids,  I can’t help but feel sad that how is it that our society has become so ‘animal’ like when knowledge & literacy level in the world has never been so high than ever before.

How is it that the humans being that can analyse, love, empathize, feel & so knowledgeable commit such acts? I couldn’t imagine how can one look at the innocence of a child & commit such dreadful act to them.  Even stray dogs don’t ‘rape’ a young pup.

As  Malaysians questions on the law , I  will rather question what is a judge’s role? Where is the sense of ‘humanity’ & ‘wisdom’ of the judge in letting off a young adult of 19 who had  sex with a 13 year old girl by just going by the law book  (he also added that the boy’s plight of a possible ‘bright future’ & it was ‘consensus’ into his reasoning of his sentence).  If anything, a law is a guide for how the society should try to behave & why do we need ‘human’ interpretation in court if not for more in depth human reasoning of the case & the wisdom of a judge to come with a fair sentencing.

I wonder what the judge was like when he was 13. Was he that matured that sex is like a ‘normal’ thing in his everyday 13 year old life? I don’t know about him,  at 13 – I wanted to play volleyball all the time, we love & hate school at the same time, we ‘bitch’ about teachers & homework, we ‘rush’ to catch the bus to be safe at home after school, we think our parents are the wisest & smartest people in the world (of course rite…? they give allowances, give us food & bring us out for fun)

And to think that a judge of ‘considerable’ experience in life (based on his age), he actually think that the 13 year old girl is that mature to make a decision on her own about something like having sex with a 19 year old??!!  If this is how a ‘judge’ is suppose to in a case – then we really do not need them – cause a positronic robot can do the role just as well as all we need is to program the ‘law’ & they can function just as well as the judge since there is no need for human aspects judging required.

Then we have people blaming parents for leaving their 7-8 year old kids alone at home with a foreign worker working outside the locked house.  It is tragic & sad. I feel so much for the 7 year old girl. I cannot imagine the emotional effects she will need to get through but I also cannot imagine how much remorse &  regret the parents feel.  But can we really blame the parents for being lax? I guess they being a ‘human’ couldn’t imagine another human (regardless of race / nationality) will commit such dreadful act to a child. But yet – it happened.

I always ponder how is it that the human beings that have evolved for millions of years have digress in our empathy & become even more ‘cruel’ despite being more educated. Or it is that such acts has always existed, it is just that it was not readily reported / shared given the technology. If it is really so – then I will really ask – why then the human beings are not categorized the same as animals?  Animals do not rape a young pup not just because it will actually ‘hurt’ the body but because it is not normal yet a human being do. So what does that make of us comparing an animal? Worst off isn’t it ?

Sometimes I am pained that I have brought Relm into such a world. …  Was it a mistake?