Good Skin with sweat?

Sweat contains a natural antibiotic that controls the bacteria living on your skin.

Birgit Schittek and her team at Eberhard-Karls-University at Tubingen in Germany discovered that human sweat has an antibiotic that they called Dermcidin. It controls the nastier bugs – for example, it kills the bacteria E. coli and Staphylococcus aureus, and the yeast Candida albicans

Dermcidin is an unusual protein/antibiotic. Dermcidin, which has 47 amino acids in it, has a broad spectrum of activity against many different bacteria. It’s made only in the sweat glands.

People with repeated skin infections could need antibacterial boosters on their skin. Maybe they could be sold in a cream.The big difference between Dermcidin and the other antibacterial skin chemicals is that it’s produced whenever you sweat – not when you’ve got inflammation.

Now rock singers generally lead fairly unhealthy lifestyles with very odd hours. But they usually have very good skin. They sweat a lot. Maybe Dermcidin is the secret of their solid gold complexion. And maybe people who sweat a lot could get a little extra income by squeezing the Dermcidin from their sweaty t-shirts …

 Excerpt from

The Petty-in-laws

Fact is all human beings are sensitive beings. A single sentence not said became the argument of the night. In a family, with your own parents or siblings, what was not said or said seem so much easier to resolve but those ‘walk-in’ family members (like the in laws) – whew.. it is one difficult task. More difficult than at work cos you have to juggle with how do you ensure you husband/wife , father/mother, children feels post all the commotion. I witness a big argument over of the daughter-in-law’s lack of manners (in the opinion of the father in law) over dinner over a matter that happened 2 months ago! It is such a small thing yet each did not even try to understand the situation. It was a ruckus.. it ended up with the husband bearing the brunt of it.

What did I learn? The in laws are very petty folks! I meant both parents or son/daughter in laws! I learn that being an in law or having an in law needs to be treated at the most delicate manner. Things that need to be said MUST be said to avoid misunderstandings (& vice versa), we cannot use what we think is normal (in our family) to operate. Every little actions matter. It’s not about sucking up, its about avoiding unnecessary arguments/gossips/lectures because if not handled delicately, its your spouse that bears the brunt. The in-laws need to understand that in-law = walk-in family thus almost a stranger to that family, thus your every actions & words needs to be thought thrice. The rewards will be – amicable in-laws, happy spouse, a happier you!