
Had an interesting revelation on ‘believing’ when I had a short chat with an old friend. Of course the fact that I am reading ‘the new earth’ also trigger this chain of thought.

Its interesting that even though when the fact is ‘wrong’ but if the mind thinks its right- it becomes right when the person who delivers it believes it with all his might. Look at Hitler-his killings are wrong but he believe it so much that most of the German’s believe it so to support him. Or my father believing & constant harping about Mike lost weight when in actual fact (via the weighing machine & his pants size) – there isn’t any lost & my own physical view that he has not – still – I succumb to this ‘wrong’ believe to be right.

Was it really credibility? Hmm.. Hitler was no successful leader in any great movement before his anti-jewish movement – in fact he was a failure before, so no crediblility there for the build up of people following. Now the case of my father’s believes – he didn’t weigh Mike nor he has the historical data of Mike’s weight in the past – yup no credible facts.

So what is it?

Just the fact that they believe IT IS so & very much so that it sounds almost right.

So really – one need not spend too much time on building trust, credibility & such.. one just need to BELIEVE hard enough which naturally will result in the corresponding actions (or lots of speeches/talks).

So Charles F. Kettering quote is aptly delivered…

Believe and act as if it were impossible to fail.

initiative or not

“You don’t drown by falling in the water; you drown by staying there.” – Edwin Louis Cole

I wonder if one gets what it means if I were to say it out ?
I can’t help but wonder  if  one can  teach another on initiative? Can one show by example on an act initiative? Can we instruct one to take initiative?

Asimov’s robot, where art thou?

We try to educate ‘them’ but they don’t want to be educated
We try to reward them but rewards are  like moving targets
We try to make them honest but they are too greedy
We pay for help but they are unreliable & inconsistent
We pay our taxes dutifully (AND hatefully) but we get police-thieves in return
We thought we have democratically elected a govt but in fact it is just a drama to appease our short-lived desires
Most of all, they bite the hands that feed…

Yes.. we are our own enemy and  Asimov’s robots are what we need.

But where art thou?

the ‘mistake brooding’ day

  1. WHY ?
  2. HOW COULD I ??!
  3. B$#&*Y   S%$# !
  4. I should be slapping myself
  5. Damn x 1,00o
  6. How stupid !!
  7. Can I rewind??

It was definitely not a ‘feel good’ mid week public holi-day.

But as James Joyce quote “A man’s errors are his portals of discovery”

So let’s see.. what did I discover?

1) KEEP TO the DAMN PLAN ! Don’t change it at the last minute!


3) Parents are the most forgiving people that I will ever meet.

doing the hypocrisy again..

what can i say .. i must be a very polite person afterall (er humm..)

Some long gone acquaintance which I use to detest just did a ‘friend request’ , while my first question was why didn’t facebook have the feature of ‘add enemy‘ – it will have been pretty fun isn’t it?

So here I am , because of facebook – ‘accepted’ the friend request.

Damn.. hypocrite through & through ! (but i can’t help it cos politeness is an acceptable hypocrisy afterall)